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Magickal and mundane advice for the moderne Witch

1.  I will not give advice , nor post advice, to assist in  performing "black magick".  It is entirely against the beliefs espoused by Wicca, and I will not be a part of it!
2.  I will not give advice to assist in manipulating other people.  This includes spells to make a specific person fall in love with you, give you money, etc.  It is unethical to use our magickal knowledge to coerce another into doing our bidding, and can have disastrous results!
3. I do not specialize in fortune-telling, although I have some success with runes and palmistry.  That said, any advice gleaned from divinatory sources (runes, tarot, astrology) is strictly for entertainment purposes and should never be taken as a means of making an absolute decision!
4. Please keep in mind that the advice given on this page is suggestions only!  Magick and relationships with our deities are both very personal things, and what works for one person may not work for another.    Furthermore, do not use advice given to preclude your own judgment and sensibilities!   Most importantly, if there is physical danger involved, call the police; and if there is a serious illness or injury in question, get into a doctor's careMagickal remedies should be used in conjunction with, and not in place of, mundane efforts.